Female same-sex desire has been written out of history since, well, forever.
Not anymore! From the first women's football team in Britain to pirates and lesbian Avengers, via countless love letters and literary salons, A Short History of Queer Women sets the record straight on women who have loved other women through the ages. Examining social constructs of gender and sexuality and navigating queer history's many Annes, Anns and Barbaras (seriously, there seem to be a finite number of lesbian names), Kirsty Loehr exposes centuries of outrageous straightwashing.
Dispensing with the patriarchal nonsense, Loehr puts queer women such as Charlotte Brontë, Anne Frank and Bessie Smith back in the narrative and uncovers a rich and poignant history.
Who says lesbians can't be funny?
Author: Kristy Loehr
208 pages
22.5 x 14.6 cm